CITE Awards Program

Award CategoriesFAQs2024 RecipientsHall of Fame

CITE’s awards program congratulates and celebrates CITE members, partners, and others for the work they do and the accomplishments they’ve made to technology in education and CITE.

Awards are given annually according to the awards calendar approved by the CITE Board of Directors. Some awards may not be given if a suitable awardee is not found.

CITE’s Core values are the cornerstones of the awards.

  • Leadership - We believe that technology leadership is essential.
  • AdvocacyWe believe Advocacy facilitates and accelerates change.
  • LearningWe believe technology can enhance learning. Learning is ongoing and lasts a lifetime.
  • CommunityWe believe a strong community enables the abilities of all of its members. There exists in our community the talent to solve any problem.

In addition, we have our Lifetime Achievement Award for those who have demonstrated a long-standing dedication to the education community. The awardee is inducted into the CITE Hall of Fame.

See below for information about each award, the nomination and awards process, and how to nominate.


Awards given based on nominations by CITE members:

    Technology Leader Award (Leadership)

    This award goes to an IT leader (or LEA) that is leading the way with technology in education with demonstrated dedication to the CITE community, education, and CITE’s mission, vision, goals. Could be more than one per year. Must be a current CITE Educational member.

    Qualifications: Currently in an IT leadership role in an LEA that has led the way with new technology and/or has created a substantive change in their organization that has improved the experience for the community.

    Nomination Process: CITE Educational members only who were nominated for the Community Award. Self-nominations allowed. Nominations submitted to the Awards Committee for review. Recommendations for winner(s) sent to CITE Board of Directors for final decision.

    Award Process: The CITE Awards Task Force chooses winners for the Regional Community Award. Recommendations for winner(s) sent to CITE Board of Directors for final decision. Winners are notified in October.

    Winners Receive:

    • One complimentary registration to the CITE Annual Conference in the same year as award given.
    • Up to 3 (three) night’s lodging at one of the conference hotels.
    • Recognition at the Annual Conference.
    • 12 month CITE Membership.
    • Recognition on CITE’s website and publications.
    • Engraved Award.
    Technology Staff Award (Leadership)

    This award goes to a person who is currently in an IT role that is not a leadership role in an LEA. This person may not be in a leadership role but has exhibited leadership qualities and created a positive impact within their department, LEA, or community with the work they’ve done. This person is also a CITE member who exudes qualities that align with CITE’s mission, vision, and goals.

    Qualifications: Currently NOT in an IT leadership role in an LEA and exhibits leadership qualities and created a positive impact within their department or LEA with the work they are doing. Nominee must be an active CITE member. 

    Nomination Process: Self-nominations allowed. Nominations are submitted to the Awards Committee for review. Recommendations for winner(s) sent to CITE Board of Directors for final decision.

    Award Process: The CITE Awards Task Force chooses winners for the Regional Community Award. Recommendations for winner(s) sent to CITE Board of Directors for final decision. Winners are notified in October.

    Winners Receive:

    • One complimentary registration to the CITE Annual Conference in the same year as award given.
    • Up to 3 (three) night’s lodging at one of the conference hotels.
    • Recognition at the Annual Conference.
    • 12 month CITE Membership.
    • Recognition on CITE’s website and publications.
    • Engraved Award.
      Educational Leader Award (Learning)

      This award goes to one or more who are leading an effort to use technology in the learning process successfully.

      Qualifications: Currently working in an LEA and actively involved in the learning process in a way that is effectively using technology. This person must be a CITE member.

      Nomination Process: Self-nominations allowed. Nominations are submitted to the Awards Committee for review. Recommendations for winner(s) sent to CITE Board of Directors for final decision.

      Award Process: The CITE Awards Task Force chooses winners for the Regional Community Award. Recommendations for winner(s) sent to CITE Board of Directors for final decision. Winners are notified in October.

      Winners Receive:

      • One complimentary registration to the CITE Annual Conference in the same year as award given.
      • Up to 3 (three) night’s lodging at one of the conference hotels.
      • Recognition at the Annual Conference.
      • 12 month CITE Membership.
      • Recognition on CITE’s website and publications.
      • Engraved Award.
      Regional Community (Community)

      This is one or more awards given at the regional level. Regional Groups can nominate an individual, team, a CITE Regional Group, or a whole educational organization such as a school, district, or county office of education. 

      Qualifications: demonstrated dedication to the CITE community, education, and CITE’s mission, vision, goals. This award is given to an individual, department team, or educational organization that has strengthened their community through their service.

      Nomination Process: CITE regional group members may nominate a person, team, CITE Regional Group, or educational organization in their region. Multiple regional groups can work together to nominate. Regional groups may nominate themselves or another regional group.

      Award Process: The CITE Awards Task Force chooses winners for the Regional Community Award. Recommendations for winner(s) sent to CITE Board of Directors for final decision. Winners are notified in October.

      Individual Winners Receive:

      • One complimentary registration to the CITE Annual Conference in the same year as award given.
      • Up to 3 (three) night’s lodging at one of the conference hotels.
      • Recognition at the Annual Conference.
      • 12 month CITE Membership.
      • Recognition on CITE’s website and publications.
      • Engraved Award.

      Awards given based on nominations by the CITE Board of Directors:

      This award goes to a CA or US politician or public figure who is serving the education community through activism, committee, actively submitting bills to legislature, and/or recommended by Capitol Advisors Group.

      Qualifications: CA or US politician or public figure with an outstanding reputation for advocating for K-12 Education issues.

      Nomination Process: The CITE Board of Directors will confer with the Capitol Advisors Group and take recommendations from CITE members. Please contact to make a recommendation.

      Award Process: The CITE Board of Directors decides winners internally.

      Winners Receive:

      • Recognition at the Annual Conference.
      • Recognition on CITE’s website and publications.
      • Engraved Award.

      This award goes to an individual who has previously won either the Community, Leadership, Learning, Tech Partner, or Advocacy awards and has demonstrated a long-standing dedication to the education community. Recipient is inducted into the CITE Hall of Fame. This award is given only when a deserving recipient is identified by CITE. 

      Qualifications: Individual with a demonstrated dedication to the K-12 education community through years of service, activism, and CITE membership.

      Nomination Process: Nominations submitted from the CITE membership only committee from June-August.

      Award Process: The CITE Board will consider the nominations and recommendations from the committee before deciding on the award winner.

      Winners Receive: 

      • One complimentary registration to the CITE Annual Conference in the same year as award given.
      • Up to three (3) night's lodging at one of the conference hotels.
      • Recognition at the Annual Conference.
      • 12 month CITE Membership.
      • Recognition on CITE's website and publications.
      • Engraved Award.

      This award goes to an individual who has previously won either the Community, Leadership, Learning, Tech Partner, or Advocacy awards and/or has demonstrated a long-standing dedication to the education community. Recipient is inducted into the CITE Hall of Fame. This award is given only when a deserving recipient is identified by CITE. This person may receive the Lifetime Achievement Award once they are near retirement.

      Qualifications: Individual with a demonstrated dedication to the K-12 education community through years of service, activism, and CITE membership

      Awards Process: The CITE Board will consider the nominations and recommendations from the committee before deciding on the award winner.

      Winners Receive:

      • One complimentary registration to the CITE Annual Conference in the same year as award given.
      • Up to 3 (three) night’s lodging at one of the conference hotels.
      • Recognition at the Annual Conference.
      • 12 month CITE Membership.
      • Recognition on CITE’s website and publications.

      Timeline, Resources & FAQ

      • Early June - Nominations Open
      • End of July/Early August- Nominations Close
      • August/Early September - Awards Task Force Scores Awards
      • September - Board Approves Award Recipients
      • October - Award Recipients are Announced

      Below are some tips to help you when writing a nomination for the CITE Awards Program.

      Carefully Review Nomination Criteria

      Review the criteria for the nominee’s category to ensure you cover each requirement carefully in your nomination. Ensure that they are an active CITE member prior to submission.

      Use Supporting Documentation and Great Detail

      Use photos, or other forms of documentation to support and show the work the nominee has done. The panel scoring nominations may not know the nominee(s), so the greater the detail, the better.

      Focus on the Impact

      How has the nominee impacted IT in Education at their LEA or as a whole? Rather than focusing on ‘what’ a nominee has done, focus on ‘why’ what they did is important.

      Get an Outside Perspective

      Enlist someone to help with proofreading or editing. The panel may not know a lot about the person you are nominating and you will want to tell a story with lots of examples that makes them stand out above the rest.

      What is the deadline for submitting a nomination?

      Nominations are due July 31, 2023.

      Who can submit a nomination?

      Nominations may be made by any CITE member. Please see the details on each award for specific nomination rules. The Community Award nominations must come from a CITE Regional Group or groups and should be sent by the group(s) chair(s), who are required to be current CITE members.

      Who is on the Awards Task Force?

      Educational members currently active and apply to volunteer for the task force. The Director of Member Engagment & Marketing oversees the Task Force’s work and reports to the CITE Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact

      Do you have to be a CITE member to nominate?


      What information is required for a nomination?

      All nominations will require you to explain why the nominee deserves the award. You will need to have basic information about them including their name, place of work, and email.

      How long does it take to finish a nomination?

      You will need to register an account first. You will be able to use the same account for multiple nominations. You will also need to have the contact information for your nominee and any other contributors available before you start. You will also need to write a nomination letter with as much information as possible within a 500 word limit. You may save your submission and finish it later if needed. 

      Who do I contact if I have more questions?

      Please contact with your questions.

      Awards Task Force

      • Andrea Bennett
        Andrea Bennett
        CCTO Executive Director CITE (916)402-2471
        CITE Staff
      • Touda Bentatou
        Touda Bentatou
        Director of Member Experience CITE (916)917-3873
        CITE Staff & Chair
      • Ryan Bradford
        Ryan Bradford
        Director of Technology and Integration YPI Charter Schools
        CITE Member
      • Robert Brogdon
        Robert Brogdon
        Director of Technology Operations Turlock Unified School District (350)206-2601
        CITE Member
      • Michael Harte
        Michael Harte
        MBA-IT Management, AWS Solutions Architect, CITE Certified CTO Client Systems Administrator San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
        CITE Member
      • Chris Higle
        Chris Higle
        Chief Technology Officer Ceres Unified School District (209)556-1570
        CITE Member
      • Christopher Hoang
        Assistant Director, Technology Innovation and Outreach Los Angeles County Office of Education (480)262-7924
        CITE Member
      • Josh Johnson
        Josh Johnson
        CCTO Technology Support Supervisor Irvine Unified School District (949)936-5119
        CITE Member
      • Joaquin Licea
        Joaquin Licea
        CCTO Chief Technology Officer Ventura County Office of Education 8053831966
        CITE Member
      • Jennifer Maples
        Willits Unified School District (707)459-5314x1105
        CITE Member
      • Justin Norcross
        Justin Norcross
        CTO Inyo County Office of Education
        CITE Member
      • Jennifer Oliveira
        Jennifer Oliveira
        CTO Mentorship Graduate 2022 (Cohort 16) Director South Bay Union School District (619)628-1600
        CITE Member
      • Matt Pauls
        Matt Pauls
        IT Director Grizzly Challenge Charter School (805)594-6648
        CITE Member
      • Kenneth Richter
        Kenneth Richter
        Engineer Kern County Superintendent of Schools
        CITE Member
      • Misty Roton
        Help Desk Manager Modesto City Schools (209)996-8565
        CITE Member
      • Rachel Yochum
        Rachel Yochum
        CTO Mentorship Graduate 2022 (Cohort 16) Database Systems Analyst Apple Valley Unified School District (760)247-8001
        CITE Member