Member Spotlight: Sam Rodriguez

Posted By: Sam Rodriguez Featured Members,

Sam Rodriguez

Sam is the Design & Digital Media Specialist at CITE. He received his Bachelor’s of Fine Arts Degree in Visual Communication Design from Cal Poly Pomona, where he focused his studies on graphic design, photography, and art history.

How long have you been in your current role and how did you get there?

"I just recently joined the amazing team at CITE this July!

I've previously spent six years working for Trek Bicycle Tustin, a local bicycle store in Orange County, CA. Much of my focus at Trek Bicycle Tustin was to become a great all-around team member and do my best to help the business succeed. In the last few years, Trek Bicycle Tustin let me put my skills in graphic design and photography to the test, which helped me sharpen my skills and gain helpful experience."

What's a recent win you've had at work?

"My most recent win at work is to get started in my position at CITE! I am so excited to have the opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to be creative!"

What do you do in your limited free time?

"I love going to see Dodgers baseball games with my wife when we have the chance, I enjoy riding my bike on the weekends down to the beach, as well as discovering new restaurants and trying new delicious food!"

Are there any special shoutouts you'd like to give to someone in your life or the CITE Community who has made a special impact on you?

"Everyone on the CITE team has been amazing at making me feel like a part of the team, especially Touda! Thanks for helping guide me to success at CITE, you rock!"

If someone is intimidated or reluctant to get involved with CITE, what advice would you give them?

"CITE has been the most welcoming group of individuals and that sets the tone for who we are as a team and as a community. I highly encourage anyone interested in getting involved with CITE to say hello!"