2024 Board Election Application

The application window will be open from July 22 to August 30.

Thank you for your interest in serving on the CITE Board of Directors. Please read the information on this page carefully and review the application questions before submitting an application.


Call for Candidates: July 22 - August 30, 2024

Slate Finalized: September 16, 2024

Election Opens: September 23, 2024 (1pm)

Election Closes: November 1, 2024 (5pm)


The criteria for eligibility to run for the Board of Directors includes but is not limited to:

  • Currently in a lead role such as Chief Technology Officer, Director of Technology or equivalent position that is responsible for leading the technology services department and oversees technology management such as technology infrastructure, WiFi, fiscal management, policies and procedures regarding technology, E-Rate (internet access) and other duties.

  • Currently employed by an LEA in California (4 years+ preferred).

  • At least 2 years as a CITE member with a current Educational membership.

  • Excellent reputation in the TK-12 community in California.

  • Demonstrated involvement in the organization such as regional group participation, committee work, and participation in education programs and events.

  • The ability to arrange their own schedule or get pre-approval to be able to travel for meetings, events, and other obligations for the organization.

Click Here to See the Complete Job Description 

2025 Board of Director Meeting Schedule

The CITE Board of Directors will have 7 meetings in 2025. Meetings are 1.5 days either online or in person. (Exception: January and October meetings are 2.5 days). Travel expenses, meals, and lodging are covered by CITE. Candidates must agree to attend all meetings. In addition, Board members are required to serve on one committee and will be required to attend the Annual Conference. Board members are also required to serve on one committee. Committee meeting schedules are determined by the committee chair who collaborates with the committee to develop the meeting schedule. 


January 23 - January 25 - Board Retreat, TBD

March 7 - 8:00am - 10:30am: Online

April 11 - April 12 - face-to-face, location TBD

May 30 - 8:00am - 10:30am: online

July 18 - July 19 - face-to-face, location TBD

September 12 - 8:00am - 10:30am: online

October 16 - October 18 - Sacramento

It is highly recommended that you view the application questions and review them before submitting your application. The answers require forethought, and you will be asked for a candidate's statement of up to 250 words.

Apply Here Between July 22 - August 30

Nominations, questions, and other information may be submitted via email to election@cite.org

Interested in learning more about serving on the CITE Board? Watch the Run for the CITE Board Member Webinar by clicking the link below.

Run for the CITE Board Webinar