CITE Conference Exhibitor Information

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Registered Exhibitor
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Registered Exhibitor
Information & FAQ

Corporate Affiliate
Exhibitor Terms & 

Exhibitor Portal

Now that you've reserved your booth, the first thing you'll want to do is get access to the exhibitor portal. The exhibitor portal houses all information, tasks, and updates that exhibitors need. This includes items like attendee lists, lead retrieval purchase, the exhibitor kit, and more.

If you are the admin to your booth, you should have received an email inviting you to the exhibitor portal. If you didn't, please contact and a member of our team will get you access to the exhibitor portal. 

How to log into the exhibitor portal

To access your exhibitor tasks you'll need to log into the exhibitor portal. This guide explains how to log and how to get to the log in page.

Log in Guide

Modifying Registration

If you need to, you are able to modify your registration. Use the button below for a guide on how to modify your booth registration.

Modify Registration Guide


Attendee List

CITE is aware of individuals offering to sell attendee lists. CITE does not sell nor distribute attendee information. Attendee lists will be available in your exhibitor portal in the tasks section. If you receive an email regarding an attendee list, please forward the e-mail to

Housing Warning

CITE is aware of tradeshow vendors receiving phone calls from someone claiming to wanting to confirm registration and possibly offering to book hotel rooms, this is a scam. The display may come up as “Tradeshow Planner", with 949-535-1872 or 877-896-0034 ext 146 as the associated phone number. Please note that CITE does not sell data nor work with third party booking agencies. Any calls of this nature should be considered suspicious. Please report any unauthorized housing and travel solicitations to


Q: What is the refund policy?
A: Should exhibitor or attendee need to cancel, refunds will be granted based on the following guidelines:
  • Full Refund less processing fees: Before October 1, 2025
  • 50% Refund less processing fees: Between October 2, 2025 and October 27, 2025
  • No Refund: On or After October 28, 2025
On or after October 28, 2025 refunds will be granted at the sole discretion of CITE. Processing fees will be determined at the time of refund request.

Q: Who handles your trade show services?

A: Tricord is the exhibitor services provider for the CITE Conference. Additional furniture, hard-wired internet, electrical, internet, and other items may be purchased through Tricord event services via the Exhibitor Kit (To access the Exhibitor Kit please log into the exhibitor portal and find it in the tasks).

Note: The Exhibit Show will be held at the Sacramento SAFE Credit Union Convention CenterPlease do not ship any items to the exhibit hall or hotels without consulting Tricord first; please coordinate all shipments with Tricord Event Services. CITE is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. This information will be provided in the Exhibitor Kit, which will be available in the registered exhibitor portal. 

The 2025 exhibitor kit will be available in the exhibitor portal in late spring, under tasks.

Q: How do I find the tasks I need to complete before the conference?

A: CITE utilizes Cvent for exhibitor registration. Registered exhibitors will receive an invitation to use our exhibitor portal where they can complete tasks and receive important information. All communications and information is available in the exhibitor portal.

Q: How many attendees will be at the conference?

Approximately 1,500 school, District, and County Office of attendees who participate in our conference represent over 600 unique public organizations, 99% located in California. With greater than 640 unique job titles, many have an impact in the technology procurement decision-making for their LEA. Of these roles:

  • 32.08% of attendees approve technology purchasing decisions for their LEA
  • 38.45% of attendees advise technology purchasing decisions for their LEA
  • 29.46% of attendees research products for technology purchasing decisions for their LEA

Q: Do you sell Attendee Lists?

A: No, lists of attendees who have opted in to have their information shared will be emailed to the primary attendee on record three (3) times: three weeks prior to the event, one week prior, and within one month after the show. No additional lists will be produced.

Attendee lists will be available in your exhibitor portal in the tasks section. 

You may send up to two electronic communications before the show and one electronic communication within three weeks of our sending the post-conference list. All communications must include required opt-out/unsubscribe links. We also ask you to consider the number of inquiries our attendees get immediately following the show when planning your outreach. In addition, we encourage you to check local school district calendars so that your outreach efforts do not conflict with scheduled holidays or testing windows. 

Scam Warning

CITE is aware of individuals offering to sell attendee lists. CITE does not sell nor distribute attendee information.

Q: When should I reserve my hotel room? 
A: As soon as room block links are available! We always sell out of the main hotels around September. We do not recommend overbooking rooms and canceling later--we have a 30-day cancellation policy and we’ll periodically review booking lists and contact those who have booked multiple rooms to be sure they need all rooms. 

Scam Warning

CITE is aware of tradeshow vendors receiving phone calls from someone claiming to wanting to confirm registration and possibly offering to book hotel rooms, this is a scam. The display may come up as “Tradeshow Planner", with 949-535-1872 or 877-896-0034 ext 146 as the associated phone number. Please note that CITE does not sell data nor work with third party booking agencies. Any calls of this nature should be considered suspicious.

Q: Where are the discounted hotel booking links?

A: Booking links will be provided in early spring. There will be a task assigned in your portal.

Q: Are there exhibitor discounts available? 
A: Unfortunately there are not any exhibitor discounts available at this time. Top level sponsors of the Corporate Affiliate Program receive a complimentary 10x10 booth or credit toward a larger booth along with additional conference benefits. 

Q: What meals are included in the booth fee?
A: Your registration fee includes the following meals. 
  • Welcome Reception (Light Appetizers)
  • Expo Hall Opening Reception (Light Appetizers)
  • Coffee and Snacks - Expo Day 
  • Lunch - Expo Day (Boxed Lunch)

Q: Is there parking at the Sacramento SAFE Credit Union Convention Center? What is the cost?

A: There are multiple parking garages located near to the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center. For more information, please visit this page

Q: How do I speak or host a session at the conference?
A:  Exhibitor speaking opportunities are listed below:

  • Sponsorship: Top level sponsors of the Corporate Affiliate Program (CAP) get a guaranteed breakout session as part of the conference programming. To learn more about CAP, please visit our Sponsors page.
  • Call for Speakers: If you have been working with staff from one or more schools, districts, or other non-profit educational agency AND your topic applies beyond a single product or company, please submit a session as part of our Call for Speakers that opens Spring 2025). Please note the names and contact information for your school district presenters in the submission. For questions regarding sessions, please e-mail
  • Product showcases or roundtable discussions may be available for purchase as an additional sponsorship for registered exhibitors.

Q: Can I access sessions with an exhibitor badge?
A: Sessions and certain meals are only open to attendees under the Educational, Affiliate, One-Day, or Retired/Student registration types. To access conference sessions and attendee activities, an exhibitor would have to upgrade their badge from a booth staff registration to Affiliate registration.

Q: What if you cancel the event?
A: We believe we can plan to safely hold this event in November 2025. We would only cancel if the pandemic worsened and local/state/federal governments imposed stay-at-home orders. If that happens, we will make adjustments and contact all exhibitors with options. 

Q: Do you have Lead Retrieval?

A: Yes. The lead retrieval tool is used at the CITE's 65th Annual Conference to enhance the experience of exhibitors. It allows users to scan badges to gather lead information and note who stopped by your booth. Lead Capture licenses or devices are provided by Cvent and available for purchase for registered exhibitors. Here is the CVENT page for more information: Using the Exhibitor Portal for LeadCapture. Please do not scan attendee pages without their knowledge.  

Need help figuring out who to contact?

  • If you need help with your registration or have general questions, please email
  • If you need to order power or items for your booth, please contact Tricord at
  • If you would like to order Wi-Fi for your booth, please contact SmartCity