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2024 CITE Conference Digital Wall Display (Hall E Entryway Marquee)

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Digital Wall Display (Hall E Entryway Marquee)

Available: 2

Location: San Diego Convention Center, Hall E Entryway Marquee

Above the entrance to Hall E, across from the main entrance near 5th Avenue. This prominent screen is ideal for directional signage, event information, social media, branding, and sponsorship. Sponsorship is available for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Your sponsorship includes:

  • Branded digital signage on a 40' x 11.5' marquee
    • Accepted formats: JPG, PNG, MPEG-4, H.264
    • Sponsor responsible for creating and providing graphics to CITE Staff. All deliverables due by: Monday, October 21, 2024, for CITE approval.
  • Inclusion in mobile app sponsors page
Price: $7,000

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