Key Game Changers for Improving your Cybersecurity Posture
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Event Details
Join CITE and Palo Alto Networks for a one-hour, interactive session to discuss key trends and challenges in K–12 cybersecurity and the critical success factors, key capabilities, and steps to take to improve your cybersecurity posture. We’ll head into breakout rooms to facilitate discussion amongst peers so we can learn from each other and share findings with the whole group.
Featured Speaker: Fadi Fadhil, Field CTO, Palo Alto Networks
Fadi is an IT executive with a 20+ years track record of digital transformation, leadership, and partnership building. Fadi served as the CIO for the City of Minneapolis, as well as the CIO for Minneapolis Public Schools. Prior to that, Fadi Served as the Lead Technology Liaison between the US Army and the new Iraqi government in Baghdad, Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2003-2005. Fadi offers a unique combination of strategic vision, wealth of knowledge and experience in local government IT.
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